R2N Information Flyer R2N_Information_Flyer
R2N Bylaws. Bylaws_for_R2NHC_Revised_13November2024 (Approved by Planning Board on 13November2024)
R2N Executive Summary. Region-2N.Executive-Summary_Organizations_Listed_7January2025
R2N Regional Assets Request Process for Pre-Deployment or Use for Response R2N__Regional_Assets_Use_Guideline_29March23
emPower Overview. emPower R2N Overview reduced
ICS Overview for Healthcare. Incident Command Overview 17January2023 small
MI-MORT Overview. MI-MORT Overview 20Dec21
MI-TESA Overview. Overview of MI-TESA Plan
MI-Volunteer Registry Overview. MIVolunteer Registry Overview for R2N Planning Board 8March23
Interoperable Communications Overview. Interoperable Communications Back to Basics 8Feb23
Regional Medical Coordination Center Notification. R2N_Regional_Medical_Coordination_Center_Notification_Guideline_1March2022
MEDDRUN and CHEMPACK Overview. R2N MEDDRUN and CHEMPACK Overivew 27June2022
R2N Preparedness and Response Plan. R2N_Regional_Preparedness_and_Response_Plan_21January2025
Cities Readiness Initiative Overview. CRI Presentation
Regional Disaster Medical Advisory Committee Overview RDMAC Overview 10January2024
R2N Hospital Mass Fatality PlanOverview R2N Mass Fatality Plan Overview 14August24