Planning Disaster Drills to Include Children
Planning Disaster Drills to Include Children
See attached flyer. 2023.11.28 Christensen and Wetjen Exercises
See attached flyer. 2023.11.28 Christensen and Wetjen Exercises
Monthly exercise of EMResource, MIHAN, and 800 MHz radios for those who have them.
See attached flyer Preparedness Lunch and Learn DRAFT (1) MITRAIN Registration
R2N Office is closed for the holidays, If there is an emergency, contact the R2N RMCC.
R2N office is closed for the holidays. In case of an emergency, contact the R2N RMCC.
R2N office is closed for the holidays. In case of an emergency, contact the R2N RMCC.
R2N office is closed for the holidays. In case of an emergency, contact the R2N RMCC.
The R2N office is closed for the holidays. In case of an emergency, contact the R2N RMCC.