Weekly HCC Call

Weekly call on COVID-19 with all healthcare coalitions - staff and medical directors

LTC, Home Health & Hospice Meeting

Zoom meeting

Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice Meeting ****Please note the meeting change**** We will now be using Zoom.  Be sure to install Zoom if needed.  Topic: R2N Long Term Care and Home Health & Hospice Meeting Time: Jul 23, 2020 10:00 AM America/Detroit Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2312613375?pwd=c2tIZnZMVThoS3pkSjV4VlVRRHZJUT09 Meeting ID: c Passcode: attitude One tap mobile +525541614288,,2312613375#,,,,,,0#,,05006472# […]

R2S Hospital Call

Call for R2S hospitals with R2N hospitals invited to attend