2018 Preparedness Summit
The 2018 Preparedness Summit will be held in Atlanta, GA. This year's Summit will explore the theme: "Strengthening National Health Security: Mastering Ordinary Responses, Building Resilience for Extraordinary Events."
The 2018 Preparedness Summit will be held in Atlanta, GA. This year's Summit will explore the theme: "Strengthening National Health Security: Mastering Ordinary Responses, Building Resilience for Extraordinary Events."
2 MGT-310 J THIRA Flyer 2 MI TRAIN Registration Instructions MGT-310
This conference is intended for law enforcement, fire department, ambulance service, hospital, and emergency management personnel (see flyer for more information and registration). 3rd+Annual+Michigan+Active+Assailant+Conference+Attendee+Registration
Statewide phone call for hospitals on Hepatitis A outbreak in Michigan. Dial in information was sent out by the R2N office. If you need the number, contact the R2N office […]