The Basic Disaster Life Support™ (BDLS®) course is a competency-based, awareness-level course that prepares health professionals for the management of injuries and ill-nesses caused by disasters and public health emergencies. This includes the PRE-DISASTER Paradigm™ and DISASTER Paradigm™. The primary focus is an “all-hazards” approach. Measures to ensure and enhance health workforce readiness are emphasized throughout the course.
The BDLS course is designed to engage participants through interactive scenarios and group discussion. The goal is to teach a common lexicon, vocabulary, and knowledge base. Knowledge gained in the course can then be rein-forced and expanded through application in the Advanced Disaster Life Support™ (ADLS®) course.
The BDLS course is aimed at a broad range of audiences that share a likelihood of providing clinical care and assis-tance to casualties during a disaster or public health emergency.
See attached flyer for registration information: